Monday, April 11, 2011

Big Day

So today will be the first completion of a project for AspectOriginal. We are headed to the Boys and Girls Club at 2:30 to yarn bomb their facilities. I can't describe how excited I am to be doing this for so many reasons. A huge thanks to everyone who has helped so far, Buddy Farris, Miriam Taylor, Joe Cole, Lee Smith, Bowe Partin, Layton Davis, the Oxford Fire Department, the Boys and Girls Club, Nancy and Larry, and everyone else behind the scenes at Knit 1 Oxford. Patsy Englehard gets he very own thank you for giving me the opportunity to get involved. I approached her a couple weeks ago about doing some ad and design for her and she has embraced and accelerated my ambitions to new heights. So thank you Patsy!
I hope to see a good turn out this afternoon and check back tomorrow for the pictures and be looking for articles in the DM, and Oxford Eagle. We will have a video up ASAP.

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